58-20a01. Kansas coordinate system of 1983.The system of plane coordinates which has been established bythe national ocean survey/national geodetic survey (formerly the United Statescoast and geodetic survey) or its successors for defining and stating thegeographic positions or locations of points on the surface of the earth withinthe state of Kansas shall be known asthe Kansas coordinate system of 1983.
For the purpose of the use of this system, the state is divided into anorth zone and a south zone.
The area now included north of the south line of the following counties shallconstitute the north zone: Wallace, Logan, Gove, Trego, Ellis, Russell,Ellsworth, Saline, Dickinson, Morris, Wabaunsee, Shawnee, Douglas and Johnson.
The area now included south of the north line of the following counties shallconstitute the south zone: Greeley, Wichita, Scott, Lane, Ness, Rush, Barton,Rice, McPherson, Marion, Chase, Lyon, Osage, Franklin and Miami.
History: L. 1995, ch. 80, § 1; July 1.