58-2203. Form of warranty deed.Any conveyance of lands, worded in substance as follows: A.B. conveysand warrants to C.D. (here describe the premises), for the sum of (hereinsert the consideration), the said conveyance being dated, duly signed andacknowledged by the grantor, shall be deemed and held a conveyance in feesimple to the grantee, his or her heirs and assigns, with covenants fromthe grantor, for himself or herself and his or her heirs and personal representatives,that the grantor is lawfully seized of the premises, has good right to conveythe same and guarantees the quiet possession thereof, that the same arefree from all encumbrances, and the grantor will warrant and defend thesame against all lawful claims.
History: L. 1887, ch. 151, § 1; June 20; R.S. 1923, 67-203.