58-2206. Corporation conveyances executed prior to 1887 validated.All deeds, contracts and conveyances executed and acknowledged byprivate corporations, under and pursuant to section four of chaptertwenty-two of the General Statutes of 1868, be and the same are herebyratified and confirmed; and all instruments of writing executed andacknowledged under and pursuant to said section, now copied into the properbooks of the office of the register of deeds of the several counties ofthis state, shall, upon the passage of this act, be deemed to impart tosubsequent purchasers and encumbrancers, and all other persons, notice ofall deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney, conveyances, contracts, and otherinstruments of writing, so far as and to the extent that the same may befound recorded, copied, or noted in such books of records, notwithstandingany defect in the execution, acknowledgment, recording, or certificate ofrecording the same; and the record of such instrument, or a dulyauthenticated copy thereof, shall be competent evidence whenever it shallbe made to appear by the party's own oath or otherwise, the original isshown to be lost, or not in the possession or under the control of theparty wishing to use the same: Provided, That nothing herein containedshall be construed to affect any rights heretofore acquired by subsequentgrantees, assignees, or encumbrancers.
History: L. 1887, ch. 115, § 1; March 18; R.S. 1923, 67-206.