58-2236. Record of defective instruments made prior to 1901 as notice.All deeds, mortgages, releases, powers of attorney, leases, contracts,conveyances and other instruments of writing now recorded, copied or notedin the proper books of the office of register of deeds of the severalcounties in the state of Kansas shall, upon the passage of this act, bedeemed to impart notice to subsequent purchasers, encumbrancers, lesseesand all other persons whomsoever so far as and to the extent that suchdeeds, mortgages, releases, powers of attorney, leases, contracts,conveyances and other instruments of writing may be found recorded, copiedor noted on said books of record, notwithstanding any defects existing inthe execution, acknowledgment, certificate of acknowledgment, recording orcertificate of recording of the same; and the record of any such instrumentor a duly authenticated copy thereof shall be competent evidence whenever,by the party's own oath or otherwise, the original is shown to be lost ornot belonging to the party wishing to use the same or not within his or hercontrol: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed toaffect any rights acquired prior to the passage of this act.
History: L. 1901, ch. 124, § 1; May 1; R.S. 1923, 67-236.