58-2256. Failure to return to owners certain instruments pertaining toreal estate; demand.When any person, firm, partnership, corporation or association shallhave in his, her or its possession any deed, real estate mortgage, or otherinstrument pertaining to real estate, which said deed, real estate mortgageor other instrument is the property of another and to which said deed, realestate mortgage or other instrument the owner is entitled to possession, itshall be the duty of such person, firm, partnership, corporation orassociation having such possession to return said instrument to the owner.
In the event of failure of such holder to return such instrument whenthe owner, or his or her lawful agent, may demand of such holder the possessionof such instrument by written demand by registered letter sent to the holder'slast known address: Provided further, The provisions of this act shallnot apply to any instrument which is deposited with a person, firm,partnership, corporation or association under an escrow agreement.
History: L. 1941, ch. 282, § 1; June 30.