58-2260. Validating certain Riley county probate court recorded deedsand instruments executed prior to July 12, 1951; time for attacking.Any deed executed by, or any other official instrument executed by, anadministrator, executor, guardian or officers of said court, affecting andrelating to any title of real estate, pursuant to proceedings in theprobate court of Riley county, Kansas, prior to July 12, 1951, which deedor other official act executed has been recorded in the office of theregister of deeds, is hereby confirmed and validated and the title conveyedby any such deed or any other official instrument, executed by any suchofficer of said court, affecting and relating to any interest in realestate is hereby declared to be merchantable to the extent of the interestconveyed, or to the extent of any interest affected by an official actexecuted by any said officer of said court: Provided, That any persondesiring to present proof of the invalidity or partial invalidity of anysuch deed or such official act, or such proceedings shall have one (1) yearafter the effective date of this act within which to bring proceedingsattacking such deed, such official act or proceedings: And providedfurther, That infancy, incompetency, or nonresidence shall not affectthe operation of this act.
History: L. 1953, ch. 299, § 1; July 1.