58-2261. Same; validating certain recorded judgments or ordersrendered prior to July 12, 1951; time for attacking.Any judgment or order, rendered by said probate court pursuant toproceedings in said court, affecting and relating to any title of realestate prior to July 12, 1951, which judgment or order has been recorded insaid probate court, is hereby confirmed and validated, and the title orinterest affected by and relating to any real estate by any such judgmentor order is hereby declared to be merchantable to the extent of anyinterest affected by any such judgment or order: Provided, That anyperson desiring to present proof of the invalidity or partial invalidity ofany such judgment or order or of such proceedings relating thereto shallhave one (1) year after the effective date of this act within which tobring proceedings attacking such judgment, order or proceedings: Andprovided further, That infancy, incompetency, or nonresidence shall notaffect the operation of this act.
History: L. 1953, ch. 299, § 2; July 1.