58-2269. Validation of certain deeds executed to convey certain realestate purchased by county in tax foreclosure actions and later sold bycounty.Any deed executed by a county clerk of any county purporting to conveyreal estate bid in and purchased by the county in any tax foreclosureaction and sold by the county commissioners at a reduced price asauthorized by K.S.A. 79-2804f, and actsamendatory thereof, which deed has been recorded in the office of theregister of deeds of the county in which such property is situated prior toJuly 1, 1960, shall be valid notwithstanding any failure of or defects inadvertising the sale of such real estate prior to execution and delivery ofsuch deed as provided in said K.S.A. 79-2804f: Provided, That anyperson desiring to present proof of invalidity or partial invalidity of anysuch deed based on such failure of or defect in advertising shall have one(1) year after the effective date of this act within which to bringproceedings attacking such deed.
History: L. 1963, ch. 324, § 1; July 1.