58-2272. Instruments conveying interest involvingwind resources and technologies.Every instrument that conveys any estate or interestcreated by any lease or easement involving wind resources and technologies toproduce and generate electricity shall include:
(a) A description of the real property subject to the easement and adescription of the real property benefitting from the wind lease or easement;
(b) a description of the vertical and horizontal angles, expressed indegrees, and distances from the site of the wind power system in which anobstruction to the wind is prohibited or limited;
(c) all terms or conditions under which the lease or easement is granted ormay be terminated, except that if the instrument is recorded under K.S.A.58-2221, and amendments thereto, any compensation received by the owner of thereal property may be excluded; and
(d) any other provisions necessary or desirable to execute the instrument.
History: L. 2004, ch. 127, § 2; July 1.