58-2611. Enforcement of agreements to lay off and distribute townlots.When two or more persons shall have mutually agreed to lay off certainlands in city or town lots or blocks, and to distribute such lots or blocksamong themselves, and have caused such lands to be surveyed into lots orblocks, and a map or plat thereof to be made pursuant to such agreement,and have agreed to determine the several lots or blocks to belong to eachby lot or chance, or in any other specified manner, and have proceededaccordingly and so determined the several lots or blocks to belong to eachin severalty, and one or more such persons pursuant to such agreement anddetermination shall have received a conveyance of their lots or blocks sodetermined to belong to him or her or them, or any part thereof, and allothers of said persons not having received such conveyances shall be able and willingto fulfill such agreement by making the necessary conveyances, althoughnone of such agreements shall have been made in writing, and whether thesame were made before or after the passage of this act, they shall be, asagainst such as have received such conveyance, valid; and upon action dulybrought the specific performance thereof, by making all conveyancesnecessary to fulfill and carry into effect such agreements anddetermination, shall be adjudged and enforced.
History: G.S. 1868, ch. 109, § 22; Oct. 31; R.S. 1923, 67-611.