58-2812. Licenses not granted to applicants with corporate or businessnames duplicative of corporate or business names of licensees in countieswhere applicant to transact business; exception.No license to make, compile or complete and sell abstracts of title to realestate in Kansas shall be granted to any corporation hereafter applyingfor a corporate license under the provisions of article 28 of chapter58 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated or acts amendatory of the provisionsthereof or supplemental thereto where it appears that the corporate nameduplicates or is quite similar to that of a duly qualified, active and existingcorporation already licensed within the county where such corporate applicantdesires to transact its business. Neither shall a license be granted toany individual, association, firm, person or partnership who shall choosea business name which duplicates or is similar to that of a presently licensedindividual, association, firm, person or partnership actively engaged inabstracting within the county where such license applicant intends to dobusiness, unless such name consists of, or is directly derived from, thename of an individual directly connected with the licensee.
History: L. 1983, ch. 186, § 11; July 1.