58-3060. Brokers; principal place of business, requirements.(a) Each licensed residentbroker shall have and maintaina principal place of business in the state of Kansas, or in an adjoiningstate with the written permission of the commission, which shall serveas such broker's primary office for the transaction of business. Eachlicensed nonresident broker shall have and maintain aprincipal place of business in the broker's state of residence or in thestate of Kansas which shall serve as such broker's primary office for thetransaction of business.
(b) A supervising broker shall be designated to supervise the primaryoffice and the activities of salespersons and associate brokers assigned tothe primary office. Each additional office or place of business, other thanthe primary office, shall be designated a branch office and a branch brokershall be designated to supervise such office and the activities ofsalespersons and associate brokers assigned to such office.
(c) A branch broker's license and those of salespersons and associatebrokers assigned to the branch office shall be displayed in the branchoffice. All other licenses of brokers, salespersons and associate brokersshall be displayed in the broker's primary office.
(d) A broker shall give written notice to the director of any change in locationof any office of the broker, by returning licenses for cancellation andreinstatement under the new location as provided by K.S.A. 58-3047 andamendments thereto.
(e) The requirement of maintaining an office as provided by thissection shall not apply to an associate broker, to a broker whose licenseis on deactivated status or to an officer of a corporation, partner of apartnership or member of an association who is not designated as thesupervising broker of an office.
History: L. 1980, ch. 164, § 27;L. 1986, ch. 209, § 12; July 1.