58-3071. Same; conditions on court order of directing payment.Any order of the court issued pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3069shall be conditioned as follows:
(a) Upon receipt by the claimant of the payment from the real estaterecovery revolving fund, the claimant shall assign the claimant's right,title and interest in the judgment, to the extent of such payment, tothe director of the commission, and thereupon the director shall besubrogated to such right, title and interest of the claimant; and anyamount subsequently recovered on the judgment by the director, to theextent of the director's right, title and interest therein, shall be forthe purpose of reimbursing the real estate recovery revolving fund.
(b) If the limitations on payments from the real estate recoveryrevolving fund, as prescribed by K.S.A. 58-3067, precludepayment of the entire amount stated in the court's order, the directorof the real estate commission shall be obligated to cause payment to bemade therefrom only to the extent permitted under K.S.A.58-3067.
History: L. 1980, ch. 164, § 38; July 1.