58-3078a. Same; information regardingradon.On and after July 1, 2009, each contract for the sale ofresidential realproperty shallcontain the following language:
"Every buyer of residential real property is notified that the property maypresent exposureto dangerous concentrations of indoor radon gas that may place occupants atrisk of developingradon-induced lung cancer. Radon, a class-A human carcinogen, is the leadingcause of lung cancerin non-smokers and the second leading cause overall. Kansas law requiressellers to disclose anyinformation known to the seller that shows elevated concentrations of radon gasin residential realproperty. The Kansas department of health and environment recommends allhome-buyers havean indoor radon test performed prior to purchasing or taking occupancy ofresidential real property.All testing for radon should be conducted by a radon measurementtechnician. Elevatedradon concentrations can be easily reduced by a radon mitigationtechnician.For additional information go to www.kansasradonprogram.org."
History: L. 2008, ch. 153, § 1; July 1.