58-3080. Licenses of certain licensees placed oninactive status, when.(a) Except as provided in subsection (c), when the license of asupervising broker or branchbroker expires or is deactivated, the licenses of all licenseesassociated with or employed bythe supervising broker or branch broker shall automatically be placed oninactive status within five calendar days after written notice is issued by thecommission to the associated or employed licensee unless notification isprovided to the commission prior to the expiration date of the license orthe date the license is deactivated that another broker will assume therole as the supervising broker or branch brokeror the licensee transfers to another supervising broker or branch broker.
(b) If notification is not received by the commission prior to the expirationdate or deactivation date of the supervising broker's or branch broker'slicense that another brokerwill act as supervising broker or branch broker, the supervising broker orbranch broker whose license expires or is deactivated shall return tothecommission the licenses of all licensees associated or employed by thesupervising broker or branch broker before or immediately upon the expirationdate or deactivation date of the supervising broker's or branch broker'slicense.
(c) If deactivation is a condition imposed upon the license of asupervising broker or abranch broker by order of the commission pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3050, andamendments thereto, thecommission may authorize another broker to act as the supervising broker orbranch broker duringthe period of deactivation. If another broker is not authorized to act as thesupervising broker orbranch broker during the period of deactivation, the supervising broker orbranch broker shallreturn to the commission the licenses of all licensees associated with oremployed by the supervisingbroker or branch broker within five calendar days of the effective date of thecommission's orderof deactivation.
(d) The provisions of this section shall be a part of andsupplemental totheKansas real estate brokers' and salespersons' license act.
History: L. 2007, ch. 88, § 10;L. 2009, ch. 7, § 5; July 1.