58-3081. Suspension or revocation of certainlicenses; effect on associated or employed licensees.(a) When the license of a supervising broker or branchbroker is suspended or revoked, the licenses of all licensees associated withor employed by the supervising broker or branch broker shall automatically beplaced on inactive status within five calendar days after written notice isissued by the commission to the associated or employed licensee for theduration of the suspension or revocation, unless the licensee transfers toanother supervising broker or branch broker. If deemed in the public interestuntil pending transactions are closed, the commission may authorize anotherbroker to act as the supervising or branch broker during any period ofsuspension or revocation.
(b) If another broker is not authorized by the commission to act as thesupervising broker or branch broker during the period of suspension orrevocation, the supervising broker or branch brokerwhose license is suspended or revoked shall return to the commission thelicenses of all licensees associated or employed by the supervising broker orbranch broker within five calendar days of the effective date of the order ofsuspension or revocation.
(c) The provisions of this section shall be a part of and supplemental to theKansas real estate brokers' and salespersons' license act.
History: L. 2007, ch. 88, § 11; July 1.