58-3083. Expiration or deactivation of certainlicenses;notifications required, when.(a) Unless notification is provided to the commission priorto the expiration date or deactivation date of the supervising broker'sor branch broker's licensethat another broker will act as the supervisingbroker or branch broker, the supervising broker or branch broker whoselicense expires or is deactivated, on or before the expiration dateor deactivation date ofthe license, shall adviseall clients and customers that the supervising broker or branch broker and anylicensees that are employed by or associated with the supervising broker orbranch broker will be unable to perform the terms and conditions contained inthe listing or brokerage agreement with the client or customer after theexpiration or deactivation of the supervising broker's or branchbroker's license. Upon receiptof notice from the supervising broker or branch broker or the expirationdate or deactivation date of the supervising broker's or branch broker'slicense, whichever isearlier, the client or customer may enter into a listing or brokerage agreementwith another broker of their choice.
(b) Unless the commission notifies the supervising broker or branch broker inwriting that the commission has authorized another broker to act as thesupervising broker or branch broker during the period of suspension,deactivation or revocation, the supervising broker or branch broker whoselicense is suspended, deactivated or revoked, within five calendar daysafter the effective date of the order ofsuspension, deactivation or revocation, shall advise all clients andcustomers that thesupervising broker or branch broker and any licensees that are employed by orassociated with the supervising broker or branch broker willbe unable to perform the terms and conditions contained in the listing orbrokerage agreement with the client or customer after the effective date of thesuspension, deactivation or revocation. Upon receipt of notice from thesupervising broker orbranch broker, or upon the effective date of the order of suspension,deactivation or revocation if notice is not properly given, the client orcustomer may enterinto a listing or brokerage agreement with another broker of their choice.
(c) A supervising broker or branch broker whose license expires or issuspended, deactivated or revoked may not sell or assign listings andbrokerage agreementsto another broker without the written consent of the owner of the property, andany sale or assignment of a listing or brokerage agreement must be completedprior to the expiration of the supervising broker's or branch broker's licenseor the effective date of the order of suspension, deactivation orrevocation.
(d) The provisions of this section shall be a part of and supplemental to theKansas real estate brokers' and salespersons' license act.
History: L. 2007, ch. 88, § 13;L. 2009, ch. 7, § 7; July 1.