58-3115a. Conversion of convertible lands.The declarant may convert all or any portion of any convertible landinto one or more condominium units and common areas and facilities subjectto any restrictions and limitations which the declaration may specify. Anysuch conversion shall be deemed to have occurred at the time of therecordation of an amendment to the declaration and the recording of floorplans and the plat of survey required by this act. All convertible landsshall be deemed a part of the common area and facilities until converted.Until the expiration of the period during which conversion may occur, oruntil actual conversion, whichever occurs first, the declarant alone shall beliable for real property taxes assessed against the convertible land and anyimprovements thereon and all other expenses in connection with that realestate.No other unit owner and no other portion of the condominium shall be subject toa claim for payment of such taxes or expenses, and unless the declarationprovides otherwise, any income or proceeds from the convertible land and anyimprovements thereon shall inure to the declarant.No such conversion shall occur after seven years from therecordation of the declaration or such shorter period of time as thedeclaration mayspecify.
History: L. 1975, ch. 297, § 7;L. 2008, ch. 69, § 1; July 1.