58-3203. Limited liability of property owners; owner's duty of care.Except as specifically recognized by or provided in K.S.A. 58-3206 andamendments thereto,an owner of land who makes all or any part of the land available to thepublic for recreational purposes owes no duty of care to keep the premises,or that part of the premises so made available,safe for entry or use by others for recreational purposes, or to give anywarning of a dangerous condition, use, structure or activity on suchpremises to persons entering for such purposes.An owner of land who does take actions to keep the premises safe or to warnpersons of a dangerous condition, use, structure or activity on the premisesshall not be deprived of the protection which this law would provide had theowner not taken such actions or given such warning.
History: L. 1965, ch. 559, § 3;L. 1995, ch. 167, § 1; Apr. 27.