58-3223. Same; application of local law.(a) A sport shooting range that is operated and is not inviolation of state law at the time of the enactment of an ordinance orresolution shall be permitted to continue in operation even if theoperation of the sport shooting range at a later date does not conform to thenew ordinance or resolution or amendment to anexisting ordinance or resolution.
(b) A sport shooting range that is in existence as of the effective date ofthis act and operates in compliance with generally accepted operationpractices, even if not in compliance with an ordinance or resolution ofa local unit of government, shall be permitted to do all of the followingwithin its preexisting geographic boundaries if in compliance with generallyaccepted operation practices:
(1) Repair, remodel or reinforce any improvement or facilities or building orstructure as may be necessary in the interest of public safety or to secure thecontinued use of the building or improvement;
(2) reconstruct, repair, rebuild or resume the use of a facility or buildingdamaged by fire, collapse, explosion, act of God or act of war occurring afterthe effective date of this act. The reconstruction, repair or restoration shallbe completed within one year following the date of the damage or settlement ofany property damage claim. If reconstruction, repair or restoration is notcompleted within one year as provided in this subsection, such reconstruction,repair or restoration may be terminated in the discretion of the local unit ofgovernment; or
(3) do anything authorized under generally accepted operation practices,including, but not limited to:
(A) Expand or enhance its membership or opportunities for publicparticipation; and
(B) reasonably expand or increase facilities or activities.
History: L. 2001, ch. 185, § 6; July 1.