58-3320. Registration and report fees.(a) For the registration of subdivided lands there shall be paid to thecommissioner a registration fee of ten dollars ($10), plus one-tenth of onepercent of the maximum aggregate offering price of the registeredsubdivided lands to be offered in this state up to one hundred thousanddollars ($100,000), plus one-twentieth of one percent of the amount inexcess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and not exceeding fourhundred thousand dollars ($400,000), plus one-fortieth of one percent ofthe amount in excess of four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000); but in nocase shall such fee be greater than five hundred dollars ($500) for eachregistration: Provided, however, That the commissioner may prescribe amaximum amount of subdivided lands to be registered at any one time. Ifregistration is denied or withdrawn prior to the offering of subdividedlands in this state, the commissioner shall refund all of the fee in excessof one hundred dollars ($100).
(b) The land and books and records of every person selling or offeringfor sale subdivided lands subject to the provisions of this act shall besubject to examination by the commissioner, or such other person as the commissioner maydesignate, and the examinee shall pay a fee for each examiner employed tomake such examination of not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25) for eachday or fraction thereof, plus the actual expenses, including the cost oftransportation of said examiner, while he or she is absent from his or heroffice for thepurpose of making said examination.
The commissioner may require any registrant under this act to file asemiannual report containing such reasonable information as he or she may believenecessary regarding the financial condition of such registrant and thesubdivided lands sold in this state by such person. Each report shall beaccompanied by a filing fee of five dollars ($5).
History: L. 1967, ch. 311, § 20; July 1.