58-4203. Same; manufactured housing not subject to certain laws and rulesand regulations; movement on highways and streets, law applicable.(a) Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Kansasmanufactured housing act or other duly enacted statute of this state,manufactured homes and mobile homes shall not be subject to the laws, rulesand regulations applicable to vehicles. Manufactured homes and mobilehomes shall not be subject to the titling and registration requirementsimposed by the statutes contained in article 1 of chapter 8 of the KansasStatutes Annotated, and the manufacture, distribution and sale ofmanufactured homes and mobile homes shall not be subject to the vehicledealers and manufacturers licensing act, as contained inK.S.A. 8-2401 etseq., and amendments thereto. Whenever a manufactured home or mobilehome is moved upon the public streets or highways of this state, suchmovement shall be governed by those provisions of the uniform actregulating traffic on highways as are applicable to the movement of housetrailers upon the public streets and highways of this state.
(b) Unless otherwise specifically provided, the provisions of the Kansasmanufactured housing act shall not apply to modular homes.
History: L. 1991, ch. 33, § 3;L. 2009, ch. 13, § 1; July 1.