58-4205. Same; public policy regarding regulation ofpersons engaged inthe manufacture, distribution, sale or installation of manufactured or mobilehomes.It is hereby declared to be the public policy of this state to providefor fair and impartial regulation of those persons engaged inmanufacturing, distributing or selling of manufactured homes or mobilehomes and the installation of manufactured homes. The provisions ofthe Kansas manufactured housing act which are applicable to such activitiesshall be administeredin such a manner as will continue to promote fair dealing and honesty inthe manufactured home and mobile home industry and among those engagedtherein without unfair orunreasonable discrimination or undue preference or advantage. It isfurther declared to be the policy of this state to protect the publicinterest in the purchase and trade of manufactured homes and mobile homesand the installation of manufactured homes, soas to insureprotection against irresponsible vendors and installers and dishonest orfraudulentsales and installation practices.
History: L. 1991, ch. 33, § 5;L. 2005, ch. 109, § 2; Apr. 21.