58-4217. Regulation of manufactured homeinstallation; purposes; legislative intent.(a) The purposes of K.S.A. 58-4217 to 58-4226, inclusive, andamendments thereto, are: (1) To ensurethat manufactured homes installed in the state of Kansas are installed inaccordance with therequirements and purposes of the federal act; (2) to ensure that personsinstalling manufacturedhomes in the state of Kansas are appropriately trained to do so; and (3) toprovide for thepromulgation of uniform standards which shall be applicable throughout thestate to effect theforegoing.
(b) To accommodate realization of the purposes set forth in subsection (a) ofthis section,the legislature hereby declares its intent to exercise the exclusive power toregulate theinstallation of manufactured homes and the persons who install manufacturedhomes, except thatmunicipalities may adopt standards for the installation of manufactured homeswhich are consistent with the installation standards promulgated pursuant toK.S.A. 58-4218, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 2005, ch. 109, § 3; Apr. 21.