58-653. Appointment of multiple attorneys in fact;qualifications; persons disqualified.(a) A principal may appoint more than one attorney in factin one or more powers of attorney and may provide that the authority conferredon two or more attorneys in fact shall or may be exercised either jointly orseverally or in a manner, with such priority and with respect to such subjectsas is provided in the power of attorney. In the absence of specification in apower of attorney, the attorneys in fact must act jointly.
(b) The designation of a person not qualified to act as an attorney in factfor a principal under a power of attorney subjects the person to removal asattorney in fact but does not affect the immunities of third persons norrelieve the unqualified person of any duties or responsibilities to theprincipal or the principal's successors.
History: L. 2003, ch. 58, § 4; July 1.