58a-303. Representation by fiduciariesand parents.To theextent there is no conflict of interest between the representative and theperson represented or amongthose being represented with respect to a particular question or dispute:
(1) A conservator may represent and bind the estate that the conservatorcontrols;
(2) a guardian may represent and bind the ward within the scope of theguardian's powers and duties;
(3) an agent having authority to act with respect to the particular questionor dispute mayrepresent and bind the principal;
(4) a trustee may represent and bind the beneficiaries of the trust;
(5) a personal representative of a decedent's estate may represent and bindpersons interestedin the estate; and
(6) a parent may represent and bind the parent's minor or unborn child if aconservator orguardian for the child has not been appointed.
History: L. 2002, ch. 133, § 19; Jan. 1, 2003.