58a-418. Reference to written statement orlist.A trustinstrumentwhich establishes an inter vivos trust and which directs the trustee todistribute trust assetsmay refer to a separate written statement or list ofitemsof personal property,other than money, evidences of debt, documents of title, securities, andproperties used in trade orbusiness, which are assets of the trust estate, and may direct the trustee tomake distribution of suchitems as indicated in the written statement or list. The trustee may distributesuch itemsin accordance with the written statement or list. Suchwrittenstatement or list eithermust be in the handwriting of the settlor or be signed by the settlor, and mustdescribe the items withreasonable certainty. The writing may be referred to in the trust instrument asone to be in existenceat the time of the settlor's death, prepared before or after execution of thetrust instrument, andaltered by the settlor after its preparation. Transfer of items of personalproperty pursuant to thissection shall not be considered testamentary or be invalidated due tononconformity with theprovisions of chapter 59 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendmentsthereto.
History: L. 2002, ch. 133, § 39; Jan. 1, 2003.