59-103. Application of chapter; form of petitions.(a) Chapter 59 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated may be used:
(1) To admit last wills and testaments to probate.
(2) To grant and revoke letters testamentary and of administration.
(3) To direct and control the official acts of executors and administrators,to settle their accounts, and to order the distribution of estates.
(4) To administer partnership estates as provided in this act.
(5) To determine the heirs, devisees, and legatees of decedents.
(6) To appoint and remove guardians and conservators for minors, voluntaryconservatees and incapacitated persons, to make all necessary orders relatingto their estates, to direct and control the official acts of such guardiansand conservators and to settle their accounts.
(7) To supervise the administration of trusts and powers created by willsadmitted to probate, and trusts and powers created by written instrumentsother than by wills in favor of persons subject to conservatorship; to appointand remove trusteesfor such trusts, to make all necessary orders relating to such trust estates,to direct and control the official acts of such trustees, and to settle their accounts.
(8) To appoint and remove trustees of estates of convicts imprisoned in acorrectional institution under sentence ofimprisonment for life, to make all necessaryorders relating to their estates, to direct and control the official actsof such trustees, and to settle their accounts.
(9) To hold hearings respecting mentally ill persons, and to order theirreferral for treatment.
(b) Every petition to commence an action pursuant to chapter 59 shallstate, immediately below the clause showing the name of the court, partiesand case docket number, the following:"Petition pursuant to chapter 59 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated."
History: L. 1977, ch. 112, § 17; L. 1982, ch. 234, § 1;L. 1990, ch. 309, § 35; May 24.