59-1607. Power of testator or settlor.The testator or settlor of any trust affected by this article, may byprovision in the instrument creating the trust, or by an amendment of thetrust if a settlor reserved the power to amend the trust, relieve his or hertrustee from any or all of the duties which would otherwise be placed uponhim or her by this article, or add duties to those imposed by this article on his or hertrustee with regard to inventories and accountings: Provided, That thecourt may, upon the application of any beneficiary or some person in his or herbehalf, require the performance of the duties herein otherwise required. Noexpression of intent by any testator or settlor shall affect thejurisdiction of the courts of this state over inventories and accounts oftrustees, insofar as such jurisdiction does not depend upon the provisionsof this article.
History: L. 1939, ch. 180, § 126; July 1.