59-2006b. Basic maximum rate of charge for treatment of patients incertain institutions; computation; publication; judicial notice; "stateinstitution" defined.(a) At least annually, the secretary of social and rehabilitationservices shall establish the basic maximum rateof charge for treatment of patients in each state institution, except thatsuch rates shall not exceed projected hospital costs of the state institution,including the allocated costs of services by other state agencies, asdetermined by application of generally acceptable hospital accountingprinciples. In determining these rates, the secretary shall compute theaverage daily projected operating cost of treatment of all patients in eachstate institution and shall set a basic maximum rate of charge for each andevery patient in each state institution and each such patient's responsible relativesat the average daily projected operating cost of each institution so computed.When established pursuant to this section, each such rate shall be publishedin the Kansas register by the secretary and thereafter, until a subsequent rate ispublished as provided in this section, the rates last published shall be thelegal rate of charge.All courts in this state shall recognize and take judicialnotice of the procedure and the rates established under this section.
(b) In lieu of the procedure for computing the basic maximum rate ofcharge established under subsection (a), the secretary of social andrehabilitation services may authorize any state institution to compute anindividual patient charge on the basis of rates for services based on costincurred by such state institution as determined by application ofgenerally acceptable hospital accounting principles.
(c) As used in this section, "state institution" means the Topeka statehospital, Osawatomie state hospital, Rainbow mental health facility, Larnedstate hospital, including the state security hospital, Norton state hospital,Winfield state hospital and training center, Parsons state hospital andtraining center and the Kansas neurological institute.
History: L. 1967, ch. 474, § 2; L. 1969, ch. 281, § 2; L.1974, ch. 237, § 2; L. 1978, ch. 349, § 5; L. 1981, ch. 227, §1; L. 1981, ch. 324, § 17; L. 1988, ch. 201, § 1; April 28.