59-29b51. Right to discharge of voluntary patient;procedure.(a) A voluntary patient shall be entitled to be dischargedfroma treatment facility, by the head of the treatment facility, byno later than the third day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays andholidays, after receipt of the patient's written request fordischarge.
(b) (1) If the voluntary patient is an adult admitted uponthe application of a legal guardian or pursuant to an order ofthe court issued pursuant to K.S.A. 59-3077, andamendmentsthereto, any request for discharge must be made, in writing, bythe legal guardian.
(2) If the voluntary patient is a minor, the writtenrequest for discharge shall be made by the child's parent orlegal guardian except if the minor was admitted upon their ownwritten application to become a voluntary patient made pursuantto K.S.A. 59-29b49 and amendments thereto, then the minor may maketherequest. In the case of a minor 14 or more years of age who hadmade written application to become a voluntary patient on theirown behalf and who has requested to be discharged, the head ofthe treatment facility shall promptly inform the child's parent,legal guardian or other person known to the head of the treatmentfacility to be interested in the care and welfare of the minor ofthe minor's request for discharge.
History: L. 1998, ch. 134, § 7;L. 2002, ch. 114, § 70; July 1.