59-3056. Voluntary petition for appointment ofconservator.An adult person for whom no guardian or conservatorhas been appointed, and who is not a proposed ward or a proposedconservatee may file in thedistrict court of the county of residence of such person a verifiedpetition requesting theappointment of a conservator for the petitioner. The petition shallinclude:
(a) The person's name, age, date of birth, address of permanentresidence and presentaddress or whereabouts, if different from the person's permanentresidence;
(b) the factual basis upon which the personalleges the need for theappointment of a conservator;
(c) the name, age, date of birth, gender, address,place of employment, relationship to thepetitioner, if any, of the individual orcorporation whom thepetitioner requests that thecourt appoint as conservator, and any personal or agency interestof the proposedconservator that may be perceived as self-serving or adverse to the position orbest interest of the proposed conservatee,and whether such individual orcorporation should be required to file abond. Ifthe proposed conservatoris under contract with the Kansas guardianship program, the petition shallstate that fact;
(d) a request that the court make a determination that there is a need forthe appointment ofa conservator and that the court appoint a conservator;
(e) the names and addresses of the relatives nearest in kinship to theperson;
(f) the general character and probable value of the real and personalproperty, including theamount and sources of income, of the person;
(g) the name, address of any existing fiduciary for the person and adescription of thatfiduciary relationship.
History: L. 2002, ch. 114, § 7;L. 2008, ch. 64, § 2; July 1.