59-3072. Transfer of venue.(a) At any time after the trial and appointment of aguardianor conservator as provided for inK.S.A. 59-3067, and amendmentsthereto, andupon the writtenrequest of the guardian or conservator, or upon the court's own motion, andafter notice to anypersons as the court may direct, the court may transfer venue to anotherdistrict court for good causeshown. In such case, the transferring court shall transmit to the court towhich venue is beingtransferred a certified copy of all pleadings and orders in the case.
(b) Any district court to which venue is transferred shall proceed in thecase as if the petitionand all proceedings to that point had originally been filed or occurredtherein. In the event that, dueto the transfer of venue, notice of a change of location of a hearingpreviously scheduled is required,but cannot be served on any interested party at least 48 hours prior to thehearing, or if any hearingpreviously scheduled by the transferring court cannot be held as scheduled bythe receiving courtbecause of scheduling conflicts, then the receiving court may continue thehearing for up to sevenfull working days to allow adequate time for notice to be given and the hearingto be held.
History: L. 2002, ch. 114, § 23; July 1.