59-3079. Conservatorship plan; contents;effectuation; revision.(a) At any time, thecourt may require the conservator, or the conservator mayat any time choose,to develop and filewith the court a plan for the administration of the conservatee's estate. Thisplan shall be developedconsistent with the provisions of K.S.A. 59-3078, and amendmentsthereto. Thisplan may providefor, but need not be limited to providing for:
(1) What autonomy the conservatee will have with regard to keeping andutilizing any earnings from employment or gifts which the conservatee may haveor receive; and
(2) what responsibility the conservator shall have with regard to protectingthe eligibility ofthe conservatee for any type of public or other benefit.
(b) If required by the court, the court may set a date by which thisconservatorship plan shallbe filed with the court. Otherwise, the conservator may at any time file aplan with the court. Uponthe filing of a plan, the court may require the conservator to give noticethereof to such persons asthe court directs. Any interested party may request that the court conduct ahearing concerning anyplan filed with the court. The court may require the conservator to amend orwithdraw any plan filed.
(c) Any conservatorship plan filed with the court shall be effectuated by theconservator tothe maximum extent possible consistent with any changing circumstances of theconservatee.Within each accounting submitted to the court as the court directs pursuant toK.S.A. 59-3083, andamendments thereto, the conservator shall explain any actions taken in deviancefrom the plan andthe reasons therefor.
(d) At any time deemed appropriate by the conservator, the conservator mayfile a revisedconservatorship plan consistent with the provisions of this section.
History: L. 2002, ch. 114, § 30; July 1.