59-602. Limitation on testamentary power.Any devise or other disposition of real estate located in this statetaking effect in possession or enjoyment at death, and any bequest or otherdisposition of any personal property by a resident of this state taking effectin possession or enjoyment at death, without regard to the time when the willor other instrument containing such devise, bequest or other such dispositionshall have been made, to any foreign country, subdivision thereof, or city,body politic, or corporation, located therein or existing under the lawsthereof, or in trust or otherwise to any trustee or agent thereof, exceptdevises, bequests or other such dispositions to institutions created andexisting exclusively for religious, educational, or charitable purposes, ishereby prohibited. Any such devise, bequest or other such disposition shall bevoid.
History: L. 1939, ch. 180, § 38; L. 1992, ch. 79, § 1;L. 1994, ch. 132, § 19; Jan. 1, 1995.