60-1008. Same; return; confirmation of sale.Upon sale of said property, the sheriff shall make a return of said saleto the clerk of the court, together with an itemization of his or her expenses ofsale. The court, upon finding the proceedings regular and in conformitywith law, shall confirm the same, direct the clerk to make such entry uponthe journal and order the sheriff to make to the purchaser a certificate ofsale. The certificate of sale shall accurately describe the property sold,name the purchaser and recite the facts of the sale. If a certificate oftitle is obtainable for such property under the laws of this state, thedescription of the property shall include the year, make, style andidentification number of said property. A certificate of sale shall vesttitle to the property in the purchaser.
History: L. 1973, ch. 236, § 3; July 1.