60-1622a. Child support enforcement; licensingbodies; professional license.(a) When an order for the support of a child has beenentered and the court upon motion finds that the requirements of subsection (b)have been met, the court shall order that a notice pursuant to subsection (a)of K.S.A. 74-147, and amendments thereto, be served on the licensing body. Ifthe person who owes support is a licensed attorney, the court shall file acomplaint with the disciplinary administrator if the licensing body is theKansas supreme court, or the appropriate bar counsel's office if the licenseepractices in another state.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) shall apply if the court finds, afternotice to allinterested parties,that: (1)The support debtor owes past due child support in an amount equal to or greaterthanthree months' child support; (2) the support debtor is or may be licensed topractice a professionby a licensing body as defined in K.S.A. 74-146, and amendments thereto; and(3) the debtor has failed, after a reasonable opportunity, to comply with apayment plan previously established by the court or a written payment planagreed upon by the parties.
History: L. 2009, ch. 52, § 1; July 1.