60-265. Applicability of article.The provisions of this article shall apply only to actions and proceedingsin the district courts, other than actions commenced pursuant to thecode of civil procedure for limited actions and shallapply to original actions in the supreme court except:
(1) When made applicable in any other courts, boards, commissions, orother judicial or quasi-judicial bodies by specific statutory provisionsreferring to this article.
(2) When any other such court or judicial or quasi-judicial body adoptsby an order, which order is consistent with all statutes controlling itsprocedures, all or a part of this article for its own proceedings, eitherin a particular matter before it or in any matters generally, or
(3) When any statute pertaining to any such court or other judicial orquasi-judicial body, which statute was enacted prior to the adoption ofthis article and which incorporated by reference procedures under the thenexisting code of civil procedure, then the most nearly comparableprovisions of this article shall be applicable to the procedures in suchcourt or body until modified or supplemented by specific statutes or ordersin accordance with clauses (1) or (2) of this section.
In any matter over which the court has jurisdiction but with referenceto which no specific provision is included in this article, the court shallproceed in such manner as shall be just and equitable to protect the rightsand interests of all parties affected thereby.
History: L. 1963, ch. 303, 60-265;L. 1976, ch. 251, § 7;L. 2000, ch. 161, § 111; Jan. 1, 2001.