60-2416. Sheriff's deed as evidence of legality; sufficiency of order. Every deed for any lands or tenements heretofore or hereafter made andexecuted by any sheriff or other officer, purporting to have been madeunder or in pursuance of any execution, process or judgment of any court ofrecord in this state, shall be sufficient evidence of the legality of thesale and the proceedings therein until the contrary be proved, and shallvest in the purchaser as good and perfect an estate in the premises thereinmentioned as was vested in the person or persons against whom theexecution, writ or order was issued at or after the time when such landsand tenements became liable to the satisfaction of the judgment or lien forwhich the same was sold. Any order of confirmation of any such sale shallbe sufficient if it shall appear that the court ordered such sheriff orother officer to make to the purchaser a deed or certificate of sale forthe lands and tenements so sold. Title to the property thereby conveyedshall vest in the grantee as of the date of execution of the sheriff'sdeed.
History: L. 1963, ch. 303, 60-2416; Jan. 1, 1964.