60-2801. Settlement or release of liability; limitations; disavowal ofagreement.(a) Within fifteen (15) days of the date of the occurrence causinginjury to any person, who either is under the care of a person licensed topractice the healing arts, or is confined to a hospital or sanitarium as apatient, no person whose interest is or may become adverse to the injuredperson shall:
(1) Negotiate or attempt to negotiate a settlement with the injuredpatient; or
(2) obtain or attempt to obtain a general release of liability from theinjured patient.
(b) Any settlement agreement entered into, any general release ofliability or any written statement made by any person who is under the careof a person licensed to practice the healing arts or is confined in ahospital or sanitarium after he or she incurs a personal injury, which is notobtained in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 60-2802,may be disavowed by the injured person within fifteen (15) days afterdischarge from the care of any person licensed to practice the healingarts or after release from the hospital or sanitarium, whichever occursfirst, and such statement, release or settlement shall not be received inevidence in any court action relating to the injury.
History: L. 1972, ch. 236, § 1; July 1.