60-4105. Property subject to forfeiture.The followingproperty is subject to forfeiture:
(a) Property described in a statute authorizing forfeiture;
(b) except as otherwise provided by law, all property,of every kind, including, but not limited to, cash andnegotiable instruments and the whole of any lot or tract ofland and any appurtenances or improvements to real property that iseither:
(1) Furnished or intended to be furnished by any personin an exchange that constitutes conduct giving rise to forfeiture;or
(2) used or intended to be used in any manner tofacilitate conduct giving rise to forfeiture, including, but not limited to,any computer, computer system, computer network or any software or data ownedby the defendant which is used during the commission of a violation ofK.S.A.21-4019,and amendments thereto;
(c) all proceeds of any conduct giving rise to forfeiture;
(d) all property of every kind, including, but notlimited to, cash and negotiable instruments derived from or realizedthrough any proceeds which wereobtained directly or indirectly from the commission of anoffense listed in K.S.A. 60-4104, and amendments thereto;
(e) all weapons possessed, used, or available for use inany manner to facilitate conduct giving rise to forfeiture;
(f) ownership or interest in real property that is a homestead, to theextent thehomestead was acquired with proceeds from conduct giving rise to forfeiture;
(g) contraband, which shall be seized and summarily forfeitedto the state without regard to the procedures set forth in thisact;
(h) all controlled substances, raw materials, controlledsubstance analogs, counterfeit substances, or imitation controlledsubstances that have been manufactured, distributed, dispensed,possessed, or acquired in violation of the laws of this state;and
(i) any items bearing a counterfeit mark.
History: L. 1994, ch. 339, § 5;L. 2000, ch. 62, § 3;L. 2006, ch. 149, § 10;L. 2006, ch. 183, § 8; July 1.