60-4708. Association actions; property manageractions; unlawful acts.(a) A person shall not provide or offer to provide anything ofmonetary value to aproperty manager of an association or to a member or officer of an executiveboard of anassociation to induce the property manager, member or officer to encourage ordiscourage theassociation to file a claim for damages arising from a construction defect.
(b) A property manager shall not accept anything of value given in exchangeforencouraging or discouraging the association that such property manager managesto file a claimfor damages arising from a construction defect.
(c) A member or officer of an executive board of an association shall notacceptanything of value given in exchange for encouraging or discouraging theassociation of whichsuch person is a member or officer of the executive board to file a claim fordamages arisingfrom a construction defect.
(d) A person who willfully violates this section shall be guilty of a class Cnonpersonmisdemeanor.
History: L. 2003, ch. 74, § 8; July 1.