61-2706. Claims exceeding small claims injurisdiction.(a) Whenever a plaintiff demands judgment beyond the scope of the smallclaims jurisdiction of the court, the court shall either: (1) Dismissthe action without prejudice at the cost of the plaintiff; (2) allow theplaintiff to amend the plaintiff's pleadings and serviceof process to bringthe demand for judgment within the scope of the court's smallclaims jurisdiction and thereby waive the right to recover anyexcess, assessing the costs accrued to the plaintiff; or (3) if theplaintiff's demand for judgment is within the scope of the court'sgeneral jurisdiction, allow the plaintiff to amend theplaintiff's pleadingsand service of process so as to commence an action in such court incompliance with K.S.A. 61-1703 and amendments thereto, assessing thecosts accrued to theplaintiff.
(b) Whenever a defendant asserts a claim beyond the scope of thecourt's small claims jurisdiction, but within the scope of the court'sgeneral jurisdiction, the court may determine the validity ofdefendant's entire claim. If the court refuses to determine the entiretyof any such claim, the court must allow the defendant to: (1) Make nodemand for judgment and reserve the right to pursue thedefendant's entireclaim in a court of competent jurisdiction; (2) make demand for judgmentof that portion of the claim not exceeding $4,000, plusinterest, costs and anydamages awarded pursuant toK.S.A. 60-2610 and amendments thereto, and reserve the right tobring an action ina court of competentjurisdiction for any amount in excess thereof; or (3) make demand forjudgment of that portion of the claim not exceeding$4,000, plus interest,costs and any damages awarded pursuant toK.S.A. 60-2610 and amendments thereto, and waive the rightto recover any excess.
History: L. 1973, ch. 239, § 6; L. 1979, ch. 187, § 2;L. 1986, ch. 223, § 3; L. 1986, ch. 222, § 3; L. 1986, ch. 224, § 2;L. 1994, ch. 273, § 20;L. 2004, ch. 176, § 6; July 1.