61-3902. Procedure.(a) Allappeals from orders, rulings, decisions or judgments ofdistrictmagistrate judges under the code of civil procedure for limited actions shallbe taken in the manner provided insubsection (a)of K.S.A. 60-2103a, and amendments thereto. All appeals from orders, rulings,decisions orjudgments of district judges under the code of civil procedure for limitedactions shall be taken in the mannerprovided insubsections (a) and (b) of K.S.A. 60-2103, and amendments thereto.Notwithstanding theforegoing provisions of this subsection, if judgment has been rendered in anaction for forcibledetainer and the defendant desires to appeal from that portion of the judgmentgrantingrestitution of the premises, notice of appeal shall be filed within five daysafter entry ofjudgment. The notice of appeal shall specify the party or parties taking theappeal; the order,ruling, decision or judgment appealed from; and the court to which the appealis taken.
(b) The provisions of K.S.A. 60-2001, and amendments thereto, shall apply toappeals pursuantto this section.
(c) An appeal from an action heard by a district magistrate judge shall betaken to a districtjudge of the county. An appeal from an action heard by a district judge shallbe taken to thecourt of appeals.
History: L. 2000, ch. 161, § 87; Jan. 1, 2001.