65-1113. Definitions.When used in this act and the act of which this section is amendatory:
(a) "Board" means the board of nursing.
(b) "Diagnosis" in the context of nursing practice means thatidentification of and discrimination between physical and psychosocialsigns and symptoms essential to effective execution and management ofthe nursing regimen and shall be construed as distinct from a medicaldiagnosis.
(c) "Treatment" means the selection and performance of thosetherapeutic measures essential to effective execution and management ofthe nursing regimen, and any prescribed medical regimen.
(d) Practice of nursing. (1) The practice of professionalnursing as performed by a registered professional nurse for compensationor gratuitously, except as permitted by K.S.A. 65-1124 andamendments thereto, means the process in which substantial specializedknowledge derived from the biological, physical, and behavioralsciences is applied to: the care, diagnosis, treatment, counsel andhealth teaching of persons who are experiencing changes in the normalhealth processes or who require assistance in the maintenance of healthor the prevention or management of illness, injury or infirmity;administration, supervision or teaching of the process as defined inthis section; and the execution of the medical regimen as prescribed bya person licensed to practice medicine and surgery or a person licensedto practice dentistry. (2) The practice of nursing as a licensedpractical nurse means the performance for compensation or gratuitously,except as permitted by K.S.A. 65-1124 and any amendmentsthereto, of tasks and responsibilities defined in part (1) of thissubsection (d) which tasks and responsibilities are based on acceptableeducational preparation within the framework of supportive andrestorative care under the direction of a registered professional nurse,a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery or a person licensedto practice dentistry.
(e) A "professional nurse" means a person who is licensed topractice professional nursing as defined in part (1) of subsection (d)of this section.
(f) A "practical nurse" means a person who is licensed to practicepractical nursing as defined in part (2) of subsection (d) of thissection.
(g) "Advanced registered nurse practitioner" or "ARNP" means a professionalnurse who holds a certificate of qualification from the board to functionas a professional nurse in an expanded role, and this expanded role shallbe defined by rules and regulations adopted by the board in accordance withK.S.A. 65-1130.
History: L. 1949, ch. 331, § 1; L. 1963, ch. 314, § 1; L.1975, ch. 316, § 1; L. 1978, ch. 240, § 1; L. 1980, ch. 186, §1; L. 1983, ch. 206, § 6; April 28.