65-1127. Immunity from liability in civil actions for reporting, communicatingand investigating certain information concerning alleged malpractice incidentsand other information; conditions.(a) No person reporting to the board of nursing under oath and in good faithany information such person may have relating to alleged incidentsof malpractice or the qualifications, fitness or character of a person licensedto practice professional nursing orlicensed to practice practical nursing shall be subject to a civil actionfor damages as a result of reporting such information.
(b) Any state, regional or local association of registered professionalnurses or licensed practical nurses and the individual members of any committeethereof, which in good faith investigates or communicates information pertainingto the alleged incidents of malpractice or the qualifications, fitness orcharacter of any licensee or registrant to the board of nursing or to anycommittee or agent thereof, shall be immune from liability in any civilaction, that is based upon such information or transmittal of informationif the investigation and communication was made in good faith and did notrepresent as true any matter not reasonably believed to be true.
History: L. 1976, ch. 261, § 4; July 1.