65-1627h. Costs of proceedings.(a) If the order is adverse to the licensee, registrant or permitholder, the costs shall be charged to such person as in ordinary civilactions in the district court, but if the board is the unsuccessful party,the costs shall be paid out of any money in the state board of pharmacy feefund. Witness fees and costs may be taxed according to the statutesapplicable in the district courts.
(b) All costs accrued at the instance of the state, when it is thesuccessful party, and which the attorney general certifies cannot becollected from the licensee, registrant or permit holder, shall be paidout of any available funds in the state treasury to the credit of the board.
(c) The board may consider nonpayment of costs which have been assessedagainst a person under this section when considering a motion for reinstatementof a license orregistration by such person, or as a condition of probation.
History: L. 1975, ch. 319, § 11; L. 1986, ch. 231, § 17;L. 1995, ch. 106, § 2; Apr. 13.