65-1664. Cancer drug repository program;definitions; drug eligibility criteria.(a) For the purposes of this act:
(1) "Cancer drug" means a prescription drug used to treat:
(A) Cancer or its side effects; or
(B) the side effects of a prescription drug used to treat cancer or its sideeffects.
(2) "Hospital" has the same meaning as in K.S.A. 65-425 and amendmentsthereto.
(3) "Nonprofit clinic" means a charitable nonprofit corporation organized asa nonprofit corporation under the laws of this state or any charitableorganization not organized and not operated for profit, that provides healthcare services to indigent and uninsured persons. "Nonprofit clinic" does notinclude a hospital or a facility that is operated for profit.
(4) "Prescription-only drug"has the same meaning as in K.S.A. 65-1626 and amendments thereto.
(5) "Unit dose" means a packaging system that:
(A) Contains individual sealed doses of a drug;
(B) may or may not attach the sealed doses to each other by placement in acard or other container; and
(C) is nonreusable.
(6) "Person" means any individual, corporation, government, governmentalsubdivision or agency, partnership, association or any other legal entity.
(b) The state board of pharmacy shall establish the cancer drug repositoryprogram toaccept and dispense prescription-only cancer drugs donated for the purpose ofbeingdispensed to cancer patients who are residents of this state and meeteligibilitystandards established in rules and regulations adopted by the board underK.S.A. 2009 Supp.65-1667, and amendments thereto. Only cancer drugs in theiroriginal sealed andtamper-evident unit dose packaging may be accepted and dispensed. The packagingmust be unopened, except that cancer drugs packaged in single unit doses may beaccepted and dispensed when the outside packaging is opened if the single unitdose packaging is undisturbed. A cancer drug that bears anexpiration date that is less than six months after the date the cancer drug isbeing donatedshall not be accepted or dispensed. A drug shall not be accepted or dispensedif there is reason to believe that it is adulterated or misbranded.
History: L. 2005, ch. 121, § 1; July 1.