65-1671. Same; criteria for accepting unusedmedications; dispensing.The following criteria shall be used in accepting unused medications for useunder the utilization of unusedmedications act:
(a) The medications shall have come from a controlled storage unit of adonating entity;
(b) only medications in their original or pharmacist sealed unit dosepackaging orhermetically sealed by the pharmacy in tamper evident packaging, unit of useor sealed, unused injectables shall be accepted and dispensed pursuant to theutilization of unused medications act;
(c) expired medications shall not be accepted;
(d) a medication shall not be accepted or dispensed if the person acceptingor dispensing the medication has reason to believe that the medication isadulterated;
(e) no controlled substances shall be accepted; and
(f) subject to the limitation specified in this section, unusedmedications dispensed for purposes of a medical assistance program or drugproductdonation program may be accepted and dispensed under the utilization of unusedmedications act.
History: L. 2008, ch. 9, § 4; Mar. 27.