65-1762. Supervision; crematory operator licenserequirement; cremation requirements;authorization form and coroner's permit.(a) The crematory operatorin charge shall supervise the licensed crematory on a full-time or a part-timebasis and perform such other duties relating to the supervision of a licensedcrematory as prescribed by the board by rules and regulations. The crematoryoperator in charge of a licensed crematory must hold a Kansas funeraldirector's or embalmer's license unless the crematory only receives dead humanbodies for cremation through licensed funeral establishments or branch funeralestablishments.
(b) No crematory or crematory operator in charge shall cremateor cause to be cremated any dead human body until it has received:
(1) A cremation authorization form signed by an authorizing agent. Thewritten authorization shall include:
(A) The identity of the dead human body and the time and date of death;
(B) the name of the funeral director or assistant funeral director and thefuneral establishment or branch establishment, or the authorizing agent,that obtained the cremation authorization;
(C) notification as to whether the cause of death occurred from a diseasedeclared by the department of health and environment to be infectious,contagious, communicable or dangerous to the public health;
(D) the name of the authorizing agent and the relationship between theauthorizing agent and the decedent;
(E) authorization for the crematory to cremate the dead human body;
(F) a representation that the dead human body does not contain a pacemaker oranyother material or implant that may be potentially hazardous or cause damage tothe cremation chamber or the person performing the cremation;
(G) the name of the person authorized to receive the cremated remains fromthe crematory; and
(H) the signature of the authorizing agent, attesting to the accuracy of allrepresentations contained on the cremation authorization form.
(2) A completed and executed coroner's permit to cremate, as is provided inK.S.A. 65-2426a and amendments thereto, indicating that the dead human body isto be cremated.
History: L. 2001, ch. 183, § 3;L. 2004, ch. 43, § 1; July 1.